Monday, August 26, 2013

So I hit tab and enter and the last sent so here is the link.

Love you all and hope you have a good week.
Elder Elquist


So how are you all doing, I am doing great, just enjoying Missionary life and trying to stay as busy as possible. So this past week has been pretty awesome, we got to have Elder Dalin H Oaks of the 12 come and speak to us, which was awesome. The spirit is so strong when you are in the presence of them it is awesome.
So my random thought for this week, has been something on my mind a lot. One of the greatest joys of my mission has been getting to talk with people and here all of there stories, and one thing that has been apparent in most peoples stories, is that they are all hurting. In fact I believe the world in a whole is struggling and it is sad to see. We as members of the church have the cure for the worlds struggles, the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The way to gain a Personal relationship with are Savior and Redeemer, It is my testimony that Atonement of our Savior Jesus Christ can carry us all through the trials and tribulation and will help us no matter where we are. So I am guessing you all know that I like sharing Mormon messages so here is another one to check out, that I really like.


Monday, August 19, 2013

Well this past week has been super busy and as such I don't have tons of time to send out a mass email, but I do have time to send a random thought.
So as I have been out you hear people say I have been "saved". When they say this in effect what they are saying is that they have felt the holy ghost. But it doesn't mean that you can just go on living in sin.
As I have been studying the past few days about Alma chapter 5. It talks a lot about a change of heart. To put things simply it means that you must have a everlasting change occur that makes it so you have no more desire to do evil. As it says in Mosiah 5:2. So my thought is that we have to have this change occur. It doesn't happen all at once like it did for Paul, but it does happen over time. So I decided to include a link for a Mormon message, so check it out.
Hope you all have a great week and keep strong.

Elder Elquist


Monday, August 12, 2013

Well where to start on everything, all is going great here just enjoying and loving the work, it is insane how quick Mondays come and how quick time is flying, I guess that is what they say happens, I don't even know where to start about this past week, it has been super busy and we are loving it.
So for my random spiritual thought today I have been spending a lot of time thinking on a couple of things and it is always interesting how my mind works. I still don't know if I have figured out that one. So the thing I have been pondering is the Book Of Mormon. It has been said that it is the keystone of are religion and the thing that it all weighs on. So my thought today is when was the last time we all read it?  If we wish to be solidly anchored in the Gospel, don't you think it would be a good idea to read the thing it is all weighing on. I like thinking of the Book of Mormon in terms of investing in Stock so bear with me here. So when investing in stock it is important that you diversify your assets, so what that means is that you spread where you are investing around because if the company crashes then all of your money is gone. On the other hand if it improves all of your money increases. So in Mans eyes you would not want to bet it all in one book. So the scripture that comes to my mind is this in Isaiah 55 verse 8. "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord." So in mans eyes you just don't invest it all in one book. But Gods ways he does what ever he wants because he knows that it will stand the test of time.
So there is the random thought the invitation to you all is to read the Book of Mormon and Pray about it. So do it. I love you all and hope all is going well for you.

Elder Elquist


Monday, August 5, 2013

So how is everyone doing today? I am doing awesome and everything is going really well, I am just loving mission life and trying to make time for everything that needs to be done. You would think that 24 hours is enough time to get everything done, but it is not enough time to get everything done. We still have things to get done today that we didn't get done on Saturday. So yeah that is pretty fun.
So a random spiritual thought today is about Charity. When we think of this word we often think of service, and while it is this, I have come to understand a deeper meaning of this word. Charity is the Pure Love of Christ, so what does that mean, I will let you know next week. But as for Charity you think of the Greatest thing of all time and it is the Atonement, and you think about how much Love was in that. As it says in John "For God so Loved the World that He gave His Only Begotten Son." He loved us all so much He sent His son to die for us. The most amazing thing happened because of love. So my message is LOVE EVERYONE. You don't get to pick and chose. Love you all and keep up the good work.

Elder Elquist