Dear Family and Friends,
Today I have almost been out for 8 months and I want to bare my testimony to yall.
I know that the Church Of Jesus Christ is the lords kingdom once again restored to the Earth(Book of Mormon Introduction last two sentence) and that the Book Of Mormon is the word of god to his prophets here in Americas. I know that Jesus Christ is the Savior and Redeemer of The word and that he is are brother. I know that the Plan of Salvation is true and that we will all be able to live with are family's again and that we will live with Heavenly Farther and his son and our brother Jesus Christ. I know that we are able to repent and become clean from the saving blood of Jesus Christ. It took me along time to do for my self that these things are true. I say these things in the Name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
Today I have almost been out for 8 months and I want to bare my testimony to yall.
I know that the Church Of Jesus Christ is the lords kingdom once again restored to the Earth(Book of Mormon Introduction last two sentence) and that the Book Of Mormon is the word of god to his prophets here in Americas. I know that Jesus Christ is the Savior and Redeemer of The word and that he is are brother. I know that the Plan of Salvation is true and that we will all be able to live with are family's again and that we will live with Heavenly Farther and his son and our brother Jesus Christ. I know that we are able to repent and become clean from the saving blood of Jesus Christ. It took me along time to do for my self that these things are true. I say these things in the Name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
So this week is going to be great because Deloris is getting Baptize this Thursday at 6 and she ask me to perform the baptism!
Satan will always try to tear you down after a spiritual experience like he did with all of the prophets. The thing we did to do to make it so that satan and his angles do not have that strong of effect on us is the simple things: Pray, scrpiture study, and going to church(CPR for are spirits) D&C 10:5. Love you guys

Elder Elquist (Jason)
This week has been really slow because we are trying to find new investigators and on top of that I am pretty sure I am going to be transferred this coming Monday so That is will be fun. Hopefully my next area will be in a car share becuase Full time bike is fun and all but my legs are way sore from biking up hills all day everyday.

Elder Elquist (Jason)
So I got Transferred to the Morgan Hill ward in Temecula. My old area is just 5 minutes away from me and the apartment My companion and I are in is in the ward boundaries of my last ward. My companion name is Elder Christansen and he has been out for about 22 months now.... No I didn't get in trouble my mission President just likes have missionary who are about to go home either in Leader ship or with a younger missionary to help them stay focus in the work. My investigator has a cat that got aids when they were in Japan. The cat got it from killing cats. Love you all

Elder Elquist (Jason)
This week has been way good. We taught are investigator Bob Oye this last Tuesday and we just went guns out to find out why he will not get baptize. all he told us was a bunch of excuse but all his excuse have to do with some in his past that he doesn't want to forget.
other then that we talk to all of people, we talk to 100 people this week on the street and we did a lot of biking.
Are mission president decide that the only elders and sister who will have cars will be the YSA, Zone Leaders and sister training leaders. so I am once again in a full time bike area but Hey atleast I love riding my bike.

Elder Elquist (Jason)
This week has been very fun, tuesday we did servies all day for a less active family who didn't pack anything up which suck because that move took up the hole work day but it was good becuase we got to help some and then thatsunday they came to church so I can't complain about losing a work day. then Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday we bike all day. Friday we taught are investigator about the Plan Of Salavtion.

Elder Elquist (Jason)
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