Monday, July 8, 2013

Update for July 8th, 2013

So how many of you have been to Ohio? I have now accomplished that. I know that is was all on your bucket list's so I beat you to it. Chances are you probably had it on there.
So after living in Indiana for 17 months, I finally stepped foot on to Foreign soil, Ohio. It was insane to see the difference, it is a lot more hilly there than here. It is insanely flat up here and then Cincinnati was all hilly.
So everything has been going good for me just enjoying missionary life and staying busy, It is insane for me how quick Mondays come. It feels like just yesterday I was emailing you all.
So my gospel topic to rant about this week, is Prayer.
This past week I have gained an even greater love of prayer. I honestly don't know where I would be if it wasn't for prayer. I don't think I would even be sane. So you all better be thankful I have it. It is amazing to see how when we realize what are true identity which is that God is are Father and we are his children, then prayer becomes a natural and yearned for. It is away that we can align are will with God's will. It is insane how much a difference prayer can make in are life. So I would challenge you all to pray. So do it. It will bless your life and help you overcome challenges and concerns.
So for all of you who are extremely jealous that you haven't made it to Ohio yet, I will include some pictures. The one house closest is the mission home.
So actually I forgot the cord to my camera, so you will have to wait until next week, the suspense will kill you.

Elder Elquist

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