So this last week has been pretty eventful.
My companion and I picked up a new investigator name Brittany who is dating a priest in the ward. The only way we can teach her is by doing Skype lessons, due to the fact that her stepmother doesn't want us in her house and she doesn't want to meet us somewhere because it sounds weird.
My area is no longer a part time car area, it is now a full time bike area and my legs hurt because there are so many hills. I usually can get to sleep real easy because by night I am just ready to go to bed.( My nights go like this: do daily planning, put on some music (usually some Christen Country music), shower, pray and then go to bed.
Also, last night I crashed on my bike. I was going really fast down a hill and I thought I could make a turn and my bike slid out and it bent my front rim. It cost me 118 bucks to get a new tire.
Elder Elquist (Jason)
Ceremonial burning of the 6th month tie.
Looking good there, Elder J!
Pleased to see stuff that we have sent him showing up on his desk!